A Crystal Guide
Posted April 29, 2023 by Maja Kuzmanović, Nik Gaffney, Justin Pickard, Maya Weeks, and Theun KarelseIntroduction to 'Crystal: Navigating Uncertainty', an edited reader for acting, relating, and hesitating in these uncertain times.
A guide to the crystal route, which probes different approaches to navigating uncertainty. We invite you to proactively engage with whatever crosses your path, prototype possible futures, seed new realities, and grow your own worlds.

These Uncertain Times: Collective taming of uncertainty are effortful achievements, requiring maintenance and upkeep

Hip Deep in the Thick Present: Using the tools of science fiction and social theory to explore infrastructural reconfigurations for Anthropocene futures

Skirting the Adjacent Possible: From anticipation as an instrument for effective decision making, to anticipation as a metamorphic craft of selection, uncovering, re-connecting, and re-animating things already present

Words Which Matter to People: Considering the necessity of living language and its implementation

With all Caveats: Manifesto Writing in an Age of Uncertainty

A Gonzo Futurish Manifesto: Opening the door to a futurist who seeks randomness, collapses linear thought, and ups their game

Arts Thinking in a VUCA World: Values, Understanding, Choice, and Agency, a shifting paradigm for a changing world

Dimensions of Experience: A (very) preliminary theory of futuring

Maybe We Were the Birds: Using unknown sounds to create conditions favourable to speculative thinking

Futuring at a Human Scale: FoAM’s take on the practice of Experiential Futures, as a way to explore the unknown using the wondrous aptitudes of the human sensorium in messy social situations

Calibrating Experiences of the Future: On familiar forms in unfamiliar circumstances

Making Things Physical: Considering embodied, multimodal, and playful learning in exploring possible futures

Experiential Dreamscapes: Imagining with our whole bodies what futures we might create

Food Futures: Featuring three tasting menus that explore the relationships between food, health, and the environment

A Study Room in the Desert: Crafting experiences to stimulate engagement with a library of printed books

Whispering Worlds into Being: On alternate reality narratives, partial knowledge, and the fertile edges between realms

Future Preparedness: Methods to shore up resilience amid mounting polycrises

Everyday Hedging: Distributing risks and seizing opportunities in a variable world

Prehearsals and Pre-enactments: Test sites, training protocols, and case studies interrogating anticipatory reflexes and interpersonal responses to possible futures

The Futures of Doing Nothing: Probing the negative space around “the future of work”

Tsunamipants: How to survive the meteorological horrors of our future climate? Some speculative, semi-practical wearable personal safety devices

Arka Kinari: Sounding the alarm for ecological crisis and prefiguring nomadic life in a porous and borderless future by re-engaging with the last great commons — the sea

The Flotilla: A hyperstition, a pre-enactment, and a historical account of the Guild of Resilients and their attempt to grow their own world in a melting pot of cultures and species

Circuitbreaker: Ambient soundscapes composed with field recordings from the first Covid-19 outbreak

Viruscraft: Using games to connect disparate groups and individuals with experts, before and during a viral pandemic

Certainty Ltd. The rationale behind FoAM’s uncertainty clinic, offering bespoke futuring for individuals, families, and collectives

A Lab Approach: Facilitating collaborative processes with surprising results, by conducting experiments and fostering emergence

A Future of the Lab: Guidance and suggestions for creating labs that support innovation and creativity

Taking Risks or Making Risks: Complexity, uncertainty and possible futures in the context of technological innovation and entrepreneurship

Some Notes on Transdisciplinarity: How to work through and across disciplines

The Circle: Technologically-augmented group practice to face and withstand a prolonged winter.

Recovering Experts: Working across fields and sectors to collectively create knowledge

Breaking Down the Economy: On emulsification, and how to act when all seems congealed.

Grey Skies Thinking: Concerning the Institute for Experiments with Business (Ibex)

Radmin: Reclaiming administration as a space for action, play, and intervention.

Does it scale: A preoccupation with scale permeates the contemporary market economy; what other mechanisms might produce the conditions for meaningful change?

Tiny Mining: Dispatch from a community of practitioners exploiting the interiors of the human body for rare earth and other mineral resources

Granting: On wielding fundraising strategies as a form of magic

Models to Magic: Using the vessel and paraphernalia of business to manifest the worlds we want

Communing with Externalities: Contemplating the external forces that affect a financial ecosystem’s balance

Further Adventures in Practical Ontology: And other ponderings on existing and engaging with the crystalline fragmentation of the world into many incoherent, jostling realities

A More than Human Manifesto: Calling time on human exceptionalism, urging contemporary creative spirits to make our practices less destructive, and adopt a vocabulary that can better support our planet’s ecosystems

Within the Screened Circumference of the Minds Eye: Nature's perfect solution to spatial optimisation; a floating, shimmering thin-filmed sphere of almost nothing

The Naming: On the experience of moving into a new identity; a stretching and extension

Desakota Uncertainties: Navigating and dwelling within the novel, hybrid geographies of the urban-rural fringe.

Life, life support, and the afterlives of (im)possible worlds: Setting the stage for improvisational and palliative futures, among other possibilities for surrendering to and moving through uncertainty.

Apero: Yielding to the glitches and lag, noise modifying signal as participants slide in and out of sync.

Prismatic Refractions: Soundscapes for navigating uncertainty, from a series of soundtracks for FoAM's Anarchive.
Created: 27 Apr 2023 / Updated: 25 Jul 2023