Future Gardening debate

As a starting point for the growing exhibition Future Gardening, de Onkruidenier, Genomic Gastronomy and Theun Karelse will enter into a dialogue with their invited discussion partners. Representing the three gardens that these artists have been developing in collaboration with Zone2Source in the Amstelpark, participants will discuss the topic of gardening as artistic research.
Speakers: Alice Smits (Zone2Source), Jonmar van Vlijmen (de Onkruidenier) and Lisa Becking (Aquaculture and Fisheries WUR), Zack Denfield, Cathrine Kramer (artist collective Genomic Gastronomy) and Anje Poortman (Thuishaven Voedselbos / Toekomstplanter), Theun Karelse (artist) and Jeroen Helmer (ARK Nature illustrator)
15:30 Walk-in
16:00 Welcome and introduction Alice Smits (director/curator Zone2Source)
16.30- 16.55 On speculative taxonomy (Onkruidenier)
16.55 -17.20 Β On Future Food Imaginaries (Genomic Gastronomy)
17:20 β 17:35 Break
17:35 β 18:00 On animal guidance in life, art and gardening (Theun Karelse)
18:00 β 18:30 Conversation & Q&A
18:30 β 19:00 Reception and opening of the Future Gardening exhibition
The programme of the afternoon will be in English.
The programme is free but registration is required