Handle with Care

Beyond the Obvious online talk #1
What do we mean by care? What are the ethics of care? How can we, in these turbulent days, direct ourselves towards a caring future – through creativity – future that is embedded in the concept of care, care for the planet, human and non-human. Can we, as cultural workers, artists, scientists, thinkers propose a path towards a renewed social construct inspired by well-living (buen vivir), developing a sense of collective, common and caring?
Join Maja Kuzmanović (co-founder of the FoAM network), Airan Berg (artistic director and theatre maker) and Rocío Nogales (Member of the Spanish Network of Community Culture Entities and Agents (REACC) and board member of CAE) for the conversation entitled “From Crisis to Creativity and Care.”
Join Webinar on Zoom.
The series of Handle with Care | Beyond the Obvious online talks are part of the 2023 edition of Culture Action Europe's Beyond the Obvious gathering. The second online talk "Taking Care" takes place on 16 May (13:00-14:00 cest) and is followed by an international gathering Handle with Care | Culture for Social Well-being in Elefsina, Greece