MonsterCode Amelisweerd

Monster refers to imagination // Code refers to storing information.
For most of human evolution the vast volume of cultural and environmental insight needed to thrive and indeed survive were passed on orally. Sometimes this was linked directly in the landscape to prominent features that are present there: a weird tree, a bend in the river, or in Amelisweerd maybe even something like a bunker. In MonsterCode we try out what happens when you do that. The effect is much broader than merely extending you capacity for memory. Because soon you are no longer just walking to the local bakery or the train station, but you are walking through the evolution of the wolf or a catalogue of monstrous plants, or whatever other subject you have 'stored' in your area. Suddenly, a whole new layer is added to the everyday world. It is as if you can walk through your thoughts which promotes relational thinking. Try it out for yourself in Amelisweerd.
- start: Museum Oud Amelisweerd at Koningslaan 9, 3981 HD Bunnik
- max 12 participants
- reserve a spot
part of MonsterCode in collaboration with Creative Coding Utrecht and Sjef van Gaalen, with Rots Brouwer and Yawen Fu