People of All Species

Over the last few decades there is increasing scientific evidence that our—particularly Western—assumptions about nature are quite faulty. Particularly in media art, it can be seen that artists too wish to question prevailing views through experimentation and creation.
Often operating on the edge of art and science, they attempt to gain new understandings about our natural environment, urging us to reflect on who we are as a species and rethink our ways of being. Their works help us to reimagine our dominant approach toward our other, fellow living beings. Maybe most importantly, art often dares to envision futures that may offer alternatives to the fragile systems that we have created over the centuries.
This Theme Night is all about art and earth. Professor Jan van Boeckel of the research group Art and Sustainability at Minerva Academy and visual artists and researchers Theun Karelse and Paula Nishijima provide insight into their research and artistic process in which the complex relationships between all people—including humans—but also our place within the terrestrial system, are important themes. We use the word people to imagine—if just for one night—that we have more in common with all the beings on our planet than we like to think.
Speakers: dr. Jan van Boeckel, Theun Karelse (FoAM) , Paula Nishijima
Partners: research group ‘Art & Sustainability’ (Research Centre ‘Art & Society’ of Minerva Art Academy), Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen