Rooted Hauntology Lab / Séance #1

Rooted Hauntology Lab / Séance #1 will start with a preparation at DAS Graduate School on the 1st of June.
On the 2nd of June we will inhabit the Amstelpark from 8h00 until 22h00, at Zone2source** (Het Glazen Huis)**.
Surrounded by the flora of the Amstelpark and the company of house plants, Špela Petrič (SL), Sepideh Ardelani (DE), Vinny Jones (AUS), will share the artistic research they conducted within the lab. Guest presentations will be given by Arjen Mulder (NL), Evelien Geerts (BE), while Maja Kuzmanovic & Nik Gaffney infiltrate the night with a haunted soundpiece.
You are welcome to join for the whole duration of the séance or for particular parts of it. You can find a first draft of the program below, but be aware that it is still open for changes.
*A séance has the potential for summoning something that needs our care and attention in order to appear. A séance needs its participants` commitment and conviction. A séance is not an event, a service, nor entertainment; it is not there to be consumed. You have to be-with it, and every entity in it, even if we don’t know what will appear, even if it will mean we have to suspend our disbelief. A séance is playful serious business. A séance attempts at creating a ghostly loophole in reality, that has the potential to haunt on for a longer time.
- Please register via DAStheatre:
- The séance is free, but please bring some food or ingredients to share
** Please note that there is also a paying event going on in Amstelpark on the 2nd of June. To avoid getting lost in between food trucks, it is important that you enter the park through De rode brug (marked with the letter B on the map) in order to reach Het Glazen huis (marked with the number 9 on the map).
- Preliminary program -
! please note that all times are approximate, and the gathering will follow the flow of it's surroundings and visitors!
ongoing: RHL library (make your own reader), artistic research proposals by Vinny Jones, Špela Petrič, Sepideh Ardelani
8:00 - opening of the park, morning nap, breakfast
10:00 - morning lab procedures, introduction to the artistic researches
11:00 - lecture & worksession by Evelien Geerts: what is new materialism, OOO & posthumanism? What are the political potentials and apolitical trappings?
13:30 – lunch & afternoon lab procedures
15:00 - lecture Arjen Mulder: my friend the plant
18:00 – Evening lab procedures & collective intervention
20:00 - dinner & celebration
You can find more information about Rooted Hauntology Lab on Facebook: